Some children are content to snack on carrots, fresh peppers, and hummus, which is great. Others prefer a carb-based white diet with pasta, rice, and bread, which is limiting. Why do some children get so fussy about food?
It turns out that your child can turn up his nose at mealtimes for a bewildering variety of reasons. A major factor to note is that in young children, fussy or picky eating is common. That’s why it’s usually nothing to worry about.
Of course, your children must eat so it’s a good idea to get creative. Up next are some simple and healthy snacks for fussy kids. It’s easy to get out of the daily food slump if you think outside the box.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Green Smoothie
Hidden inside it is a decent amount of spinach, but the peanut butter and cocoa powder in this smoothie provide a more familiar color and taste.
Filled with protein, and made with healthy ingredients, it’s hard to believe it tastes like a peanut butter cup.
You will need a chopped banana (peeled), fresh spinach, ice, milk (your choice), peanut butter, chia seeds, unsweetened cocoa powder, honey, and vanilla extract. Simply toss all of your ingredients together in a blender and mix.
If you feel that the smoothie has to be sweeter, you can add more honey; if it needs to be thicker, add more ice. But after all, this smoothie should come together and be the ultimate sweet treat to start your kid’s day in just minutes.
Apple Cookies
You’ll only need apples, peanut butter, sliced almonds, chopped walnuts, shredded coconut, and chocolate chips for these cookies.
Remove the core while keeping the apple intact. Then slice the apple horizontally into rings. Now comes the fun part for you and the kids.
You can spread the apple ring with good old-fashioned peanut butter. On top of that you can add coconut, chocolate chips, or other nuts as toppings for the full cookie experience.

Rainbow Vegetable Kebabs
For children, particularly picky eaters, food on a stick is incredible. It might sound odd, but this needs minimal effort and there are countless choices.
It would be good if you could have strawberries, green grapes, blueberries, raspberries, satsumas, mango, pineapple, and red grapes. If you are feeding them to young children, keep in mind to slice the grapes into two.
Baby plum tomatoes, green pepper, cucumber, red pepper, orange pepper, yellow pepper, and beetroot are veggies that you can use. Separate the ingredients into different colors and then skewer them by color.
Mini Pancake Skewers
Mini Pancake Skewers are child-friendly, but when feeding little children, you may have to remove them from the skewers. Mini Pancake Skewers are a mash-up of snacks that are finger-friendly, so kids can quickly serve themselves.
Also, the mini pancakes are solid enough to grab and fluffy enough to easily bite into. The fruits are all bite-sized and soft, too. You can also switch out the fruits as per what your children like.
They also cook faster than big pancakes, so there is little chance that the pancakes inside will stay undercooked. You can simply mix and match the whole wheat flour, spelt flour, and all-purpose flour.

Frozen Grapes
Picky eaters seem to have a texture complaint about the skin of grapes, but it takes forever to peel them. Plus, you’re going to lose plenty of antioxidants.
Pop the grapes into the freezer and you’ll get a completely different snack as the texture changes. Do not feed children under the age of 4 these grapes since they can be a choking hazard.
In specific cases, picky eating (especially extreme picky eating) can escalate and lead to short- and long-term nutrition deficiencies. In these cases, it’s best to consult your pediatrician.
But if you’ve got a picky eater of the standard variety the above healthy snacks should do the trick. And remember, their not just for kids, you can enjoy these healthy snacks on the go too.
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