Speed strength training is a necessary component in several sports, and can also be beneficial in daily life. Speed strength involves the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce a huge impulse in the quickest way possible.
The stronger you are, the more speed you can generate. However, technique must also be trained in accordance with strength.
Alongside competitive functional fitness, the notion of speed-strength has evolved. The following details what speed strength training is and some examples of the exercises involved.

What is Speed Strength?
Speed is the ability to absorb and transmit forces instantly. Due to its sport-specific nature, the daily application of speed-strength is very minimal.
Speed strength training requires specialised training skills and frequently does not include full expression due to the aggressive nature of the exercises.
Starting strength and explosive strength are two components of speed strength. Strength is the force produced from the beginning of a sustained contraction within 30ms.
The ability to carry on the activated force as quickly as possible is explosive force. The time-limit is about 150ms.
Speed Strength Training Exercises to Try
The following strength training exercises promote speed.
Basic Sprints
Sprinting improves both speed and technique. The more you work for a particular speed task, the stronger the body will be doing the exercise.
Perform five sets of sprints on either a track, a grassy plain, or even a treadmill. Sprint 50 to 100 feet, then slow down to a jog for an additional 50 feet.
Repeat the process roughly five to ten times. As you advance, though maintaining your jogs at the same distance, you should be able to increase the length of your sprints.
Uphill Sprints
This is a sprinting variation which includes going up a hill. This brings a higher degree of difficulty, as you have to battle even more gravity to cross the finish line.
In addition to cardiovascular fitness, this exercise develops muscle strength, speed and power. Run up to five to 15 seconds on a hill.
With maximum effort, run up the slope, then jog slowly back down. Repeat this routine 10 times, making sure it takes no more than five seconds for you to rest at the bottom of the hill.
This exercise includes jumping over an obstacle, such as a cone or a soccer ball as high as you can. This plyometric exercise, while stimulating strong muscle contractions, can strengthen the power and strength of the leg muscles.
This will allow the muscle to achieve full strength in the shortest possible time. Carry out this exercise by jumping over obstacles lined up for about 50 feet, with each obstacle about three feet apart.
Make every attempt to leap as high as possible while jumping, when bringing your knees up. The more you do in this task, the more strength you generate.
Squatting is the simplest type of exercise for strengthening the leg and building the muscle, but it does work wonders.
Although weightlifting should not be the only type of strength training involved in a routine, it is an aspect that should be integrated into a training regimen by a certain amount.
The stronger the muscles are, the faster they will be able to implement speed skills. While a certain amount of lean muscle mass goes a long way for speed, it is essential not to bulk up as much as a bodybuilder does.
Start by standing apart with shoulder-width of feet. Hold your spine straight, lower your body slowly towards the floor, until your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees.
Keep on for one count, then slowly lift your body back to a start position, ensuring you don’t lock your knees when your legs straighten.
Do this by carrying dumbbells in your hands, or by placing a barbell across the top of your back for optimum resistance.

Bottom Line
Speed strength skill can help everyone. When your muscles are strong, your whole body can work at a superior level.
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